Top 10 online jobs for making money online
Today lots of people all over the world are earning good income nline. Many
Indians are also earning online.there is a big demand for online part-time
workers worldwide looking for simple and easy programs like data entry jobs
,google adsense,fiverr,mturk, clicking ptc ads, taking online survey,making
blogging,affiliate programs, social media like facebook, freelancing work etc.
are the ways for earning online.below is the details of top 10 earning online
ways for Indians.
1. Goole adsense
Google adsense is the no .1 online job for earning online.most of the people are
earning money from google adsense programe .google adsense is an online
advertising system run by google.in these system google put ads of advertiser on
its publisher sites,search engine sites and millions of sites who joined google
adsense.google does not take any charge for displaying these ads on your site or
blog but when someone clicks the ads.you will get paid for each and every click
a visitor clicks on adsense ads on my websites.you need to have one websites or
a blog to begin with adsense.before five year it was not easy thing to make
websites or blog.but now days with the help of wordpress.com you can create a
blog very easily. Create a sites and start earning today.
2. Online surveys
Online surveys are one of the very good online jobs for make some extra cash
working 1-2 hours from home or office.there are lot’s of survey sites where you
can join. In this survey sites you will receive survey invitation by e mail. You
have to complete your profile in this online survey sites to earn online. In this
site I have written blog on online survey where you will find top 15 online legit
survey sites
For earning. Join these top 15 legit sites and start earning online.
3. Paid to click:-
Paid to click job known as a ptc .you will get $0.001 to $ 0.005 for every clicking
ad on ptc sites.you will get 25 to 30 ads daily on the ptc sites.you can earn
committion by referring other for joining the ptc sites.there are lot’s of offer
available to doin the ptc sites.when your offer submitted you will get reward.
This online jobs is very easy for make money online. In the paid to click sites
you can sign up for free.there are lot’s of legit ptc sites.i have written blog for
TOP PTC SITES in this sites.you can join these all sites free and start earning.
4.amazon mturk:-
Amazon .com provides users an opportunity to earn money by doing people
work.people who want to finish their work will submit here by fixing a rate for
that work. When you complete ,you will be rewarded with certain amount. A
few part of money will be taken by amazon as a commission,most of the works
will be like completing stuffs in online mode example,typing given paragraph
within some time.when you have reached certain amount ,you may withdraw
your money. The mode of payments is check and it is delivered to your house
address. clickbank.com is also very same as mturk .
Freelancing is all about working for somebody else without any sort of long
term commitment and getting paid for your work,odesk.com,elance.com are
two examples of good freelance networks which are common platforms for
reelancers and employers.you can join warrior forum(internet marketing
forum) as service provider.if you are interested to freelamce you can sign up
above sites without spendind money .join as a freelancer /contracter and create
a profile with your picture with positive attitude and try to make your profile
conveneingly worked so that employers get convinced.
This is one of the very easiest online job.earn from mobile is lallest and popller
trend for adversing sms .advertiser can reach you instntally where you are in
office or home. For each and every sms you receive on your mobile you will get
paid.you can check your sms anytime as per your convenience,read them and
simply delete .Although you will make less money from receiving sms but there
are ways ,you can make more money from this part time
opportunity .mginger.com , youmint.com is one of the very good sites for mobile
earning.In this job you don’t have to sit in your home or office unlile other
online jobs to make money.
7.Selling at the fiverr & ebay:-
Ebay &fiverr are highly reputed sites if you are looking to buy/sell everything for
five and four dollars respectively.ebay &fiverr is an advertising websites where
people put up classifieds for things they want to sell,and then buyers contact the
seller to purchase that item.if you are good at bargaining,you can take a shot at
this.buy product at a reasonable price ,and them again for a profit this is how
real estate works except in that case they are dealing with lands and houses.
8.writting articles: -
Making money just by writing articles is kind of freelancing,you can join sites
like iwriter.com,text broker.com as a writer and make money out of adsense
revenue sharing effort .there are lot of adaense revenue sharing sites where
your articles can make you money,if you think you have a take in writing quality
articles and can prove your self.you really have good market to cash in on.
9.writing paid reviews:-
Other marketers and online busineses needs you to review their product or
service to your blog /website readers.they are ready to pay for the same that may
be $ 5 to $ 20 for a single review .you need quality blog to do this .a blog with a
good reader base and rss subscriber is the qualification.social spark like
network is a common platform for blogger and advertisers .even if you are
failing with adsense ,even if you have a low traffic (20-30 unique visitors a
day)blog ,you can sign up with socialspark.com
10.earn from facebook& youtube:-
Facebook and youtube are very popular sites in social media .there is a great
chance of making money from these sites.
We spend lot of time on facebook in a daily basis but most of us do not know that facebook is a great place to earn online.if you can ceate a fan page with lot
of fans(targeting is important) or group or a greate following then you can
make use of the same by the helpof the CPA offers or affilicate sales.
Many people who use youtube have seen the youtube partners who make
money from their videos .manythemselves wish to do so as well.here is how get
started. 1.set up build your account .add keywords to help people to find your
channel.also select a type of account that specifies more of what you do. 2.to get
started begin adding content try to upload content that is high quality and isn’t
super long.also try to upload regularly and stay consistent with your uploads.3.
keep uploading content and try to get people hooked.send your video out on
twitter and face